Archive for October, 2008



Rach is Bach

Posted in Music by Robert Henry

Back by popular request is Rachmaninoff’s Concerto No. 3 in D minor.  It’s a live recording from back in the day, but it’s still exciting.  Look for it in the Media Player.

(The “download MP3” feature on the Media Player is almost ready.  For now, you can listen on the playlist.)



Summer of ’81

Posted in Life, Music by Robert Henry

A surprised, seven-year-old Robert Henry upon seeing his piano for the first time.

A surprised, seven-year-old Robert Henry upon seeing his
piano for the first time.

It had been two long weeks since I’d been home.  I was worn out from summer camp in the mountains of Toccoa, GA.  Rafting, hiking, swimming, baseball, generally goofing off – it was a seven year old boy’s dream.  But that’s not what I remember about the summer of 1981.

Her timing was perfect.  She waited patiently while I unpacked my backpack from the trip.  She watched me lazily sort my laundry and shake the pebbles from my shoes.  And she was silently ready with the camera.  My mother then took the best photograph a mother could possibly take.

I remember the moment when I first saw the piano, my brand new Everett upright piano.  It was pure joy.  All I could do was rush to the piano and begin to play.  The rest is history.

This holiday season, consider giving your child a piano.




Collage Concert, Kennesaw State University

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Solo Recital – Kennesaw, GA

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Master Class – Kennesaw, GA

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